Which Compost Tumblers Are Best

If you have ever tried making compost the traditional way and decided that it is to much hard work, or maybe you know that you don’t have enough room in your garden to have a full sized compost heap. Then the only course left open to you is a modern plastic compost bin. Compost bins are now available in all shapes and sizes, there are also several ways that they work. The first thing to decide is what size compost bin you want and this will be dependant on the size of your garden and how much room you have to store it. Once this decision is made you need to decide what sort of compost system you want. I have always been keen on the Achla compost tumbler. The main reason for this is that compost needs to be mixed and I have found that the easiest way to do this is with a compost tumbler. Each time you add fresh compost to your tumbler you can simply spin the drum and your compost is mixed. Another bonus with the tumblers is that they have a hatch which stops any rodents from setting up home inside your compost bin.

Tumblers of course are only one type of compost bin for you to choose from. When it comes to making Garden Compost there are plenty of other choices for you to have a look at and one of the best ways to go about doing this is by looking on the online review sites. When you look at these review sites you will find all sorts of composting systems, you can get basic compost systems, you could try worm farm composting or there are several variations of tumbler on the market. If you do go for the tumbling method my one piece of advice would be to go for a horizontal version such as the Lifetime compost tumbler as opposed to a vertical one. When you use a vertical tumbler as you put your organic waste into the drum it automatically drops straight to the bottom making the drum very bottom heavy and difficult to turn. With a horizontal drum the organic waste is more evenly spread over a larger area which makes turning the drum very much easier. Of course if you decide on the worm farm composting system then there is no turning involved at all, the worms will do all this work for you. All you need to do is place your organic waste into the drum and the worms will work their way through it and the more you add the more the worms will work.